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Tag: going

Articles tagged as Going

Guitar - Choosing Exactly the One For You

Posted on October 26, 2023 by Jonathon Bruster
Playing guitar, like the rest, does take time and dedication to understand.As soon as you do, it could be probably the most rewarding things you did that you experienced.You might have had to invest a lot of time practicing away, together with your fingers on the edge of going numb but like any visa comercial would say, playing before a crowd and getting their admiration, is priceless.Choosing the proper guitar for you personally is something you mustn't take lightly...

How Can You Make A Rock Vocal Sound Better?

Posted on March 15, 2022 by Jonathon Bruster
Admit it.you were expecting a magic answer to this one.You were going to get information on what plug-ins and effects can turn an ordinary vocal into that of a true rock god.Or goddess.The essential truth about rock vocals is they're an established musical form.If someone invents a better way of doing vocals for stone.well they'll be another style of vocal, rather than true rock.So you must check at the defining parameters of this style...