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Tag: where

Articles tagged as Where

Play Too Loud And We'll Cut The Power!

Posted on January 10, 2025 by Jonathon Bruster
It is a plain fact that older people just don't enjoy loud music.They should all be taken to soundproofed older people's homes where they could live out the rest of their lives complaining about one another, and let's get on with a few fun.OK, exaggerating somewhat.The actual fact is that unless a live music venue is outside in the desert somewhere, it's very likely to annoy people if the music is too loud and goes on too long...

Learn Guitar without Ever Leaving Your Home!

Posted on November 16, 2024 by Jonathon Bruster
So, you think you want to learn how to play guitar, but you're put off by the high cost of lessons? You don't need to put up with a teacher showing you a whole lot of theory and boring songs that you don't wish to learn and will not get you where you need to go? Look no further, online instruction is now available that provides comprehensive beginner guitar lessons to anyone who wishes to learn how to play guitar quickly and easily...

Information About the Violin

Posted on September 26, 2024 by Jonathon Bruster
Its origin is fairly obscure, the overall belief being that it started in Asia and was perfected in Europe.Three other stringed instruments that form the violin family will be the viola, the violoncello (or cello) and the double bass (or bass).The violin itself is an extremely graceful instrument.Its parts are constructed with different types of wood.The belly, bass bar, and the sound post are made from spruce wood; the trunk, ribs, neck and bridge are constructed with maple; the fingerboard, the peg box, the nut and the saddle are made from ebony; as the pegs and the button are constructed with rosewood...