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Tag: money

Articles tagged as Money

How to Save Time and Money with Online CD Mastering

Posted on October 6, 2022 by Jonathon Bruster
Online CD mastering is a good time saving option for recording artists focusing on a deadline.This technique involves the artist sending the rough mixes of the music to the CD mastering studio via the web.Following the music is used in the mastering facility, the engineer adjusts sound levels, sequences the songs, and other services to provide the music a specialist sound.Following the songs are mastered, the engineer mails the finalized product back again to the recording artist...

Five Steps to Protecting Your Music and Your Money

Posted on February 5, 2022 by Jonathon Bruster
There are a whole lot of independent labels out there waiting to use a talented musician to make quick cash.The offers may seem hard to refuse, especially if you're a struggling artist or band that has struggled to find a record deal.A little money and exposure may seem great for now, but you run a high risk of getting contractually bound to that record label for the rest of your life.If a better deal comes along later, you might be unable to accept it, or you can get robbed of your rightful percentages...